Sailing Again

So I’m sure it will come as a surprise to most of you, but we actually went sailing today. We opted to sail a whopping 12 miles down to Hog Cay and anchor in the lee of that island for the night. The sail down was uneventful except when the autopilot decided to pack it in and only turn left. Shitty death !

If we were racing in circles, that would be ok, but on the boat it kind of sucks. We were well away from land when the failure occurred, so we simply tacked the boat over to the port tack and drove straight while I disconnected Otto, our auto pilot.

Five minutes later we were back on course. Amy hand steered while I poked Otto with a spoon to no avail.

An hour later, we eased through Hog Cay cut and then rounded up in the lee of the island and dropped the hook in four feet of water.

Once the boat was settled, I cleaned up the sail gear and Amy made us cocktails. We settled on the trampoline under one Megabrella and enjoyed our drinks. Around 5 pm I fired up the grill and cooked up some snapper fillets along with some potato wedges. Dinner was tasty if somewhat simple.

Post dinner, the weasels came out into the cockpit and ran around like idiots. Twenty minutes later they were exhausted and we retired below decks, Amy with her book and me with my laptop and some space aliens.

Amy and the tribe turned in around 8:30, while I stayed up and watched the last 5 episodes of season 4 of Game of Thrones. Tomorrow we’ll either sail back to G’Town or hang out here and do some fishing.

More to follow, end of line …

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