Racing in the Rain

The Family Island Regatta continues to struggle with the weather. In addition to there not being enough wind to sail, today the rain joined in and so we got soaked while not sailing anywhere. Yay Regatta!

The racing was canceled yesterday due to lack of wind, so early this morning, the C class fleet lined up for the first of their two, 2 lap races. Of course they were an hour late starting, but they did manage to get both races done before noon.


Whitty K (white-ee kay) was the big weiner in some very tight class C racing. I’m not sure why it’s called Whitty K, but it’s pretty funny in this predominately black nation. For the record this boat is from Long Island.

At noon the first of the two scheduled A races started. Tida Wave from Staniel Cay held off a hard charging Red Stripe from Blackpoint to win the first race in a steady down pour. I didn’t stay for the second race as the heavens really opened up and the entire regatta park flooded. I got back to my dinghy and bailed the accumulated 100 gallons of water out and then headed home dodging anchored race boats, fleeing dinghies and lots of floating debris.

Back on board the mother ship, I broke out a frosty Heineken and then assembled our newly acquired meat grinder. Once the implement of destruction was ready, we proceeded to grind 2 pounds of flank steak and 1 hot Italian sausage, which in turn yielded  precisely 3 burger patties. These were cooked on the grill in the rain along with seasoned potato wedges and some bacon. Said bacon was then placed on the burger, with cheese and then mounted on toasted English muffins. The entire assembly was then plated on our finest plastic dishes along side a serving of fries and delivered to the dinner table.

The burgers were excellent and there were no leftovers. The meat grinder performed well, but for the amount of mess it makes, we should probably grind up like fifty pound of stuff at one sitting and just freeze what we’re not going to use immediately.

Anyhow, the post dinner evening entertainment was an 8 pm showing of Love Actually and don’t tell anyone, but for a total chick flick, it was pretty good. To bed at 10. More to follow, end of line …

Comments (3) -

Dude, Whitey? Really. What happened to black power. Man those dudes need some serious reefage. wanna get high?


Maybe we should send Whitty K up to Baltimore?


Why do all of the idiots hang out here on your blog? Do you know these lunatics or are they just, pathetic losers living in their moms basement?

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