Fearing the Frying Pan

We made land fall off North Carolina about 5:30 am just about time first light snuck over the horizon. I decided to put in at South Port and head inside up to Wrightsville Beach rather than foot off 60 miles to clear the Frying Pan Shoals.

I know this area is suppose to be the "Graveyard of the Atlantic" and all, but it's hard to be afraid of a place called Frying Pan Shoals. Why not the Evil Shoal of Death and Destruction that will Kill You All? That would be much more terrifying.

Hey Liz (Remedy) I bet the same guy who named the Loonie named this shoal.

Anyway, we made the anchorage at Wrightsville around 4:30 after 26 hours and 175 miles. Not too bad in spite of the rougher than optimal sea state.

So, the other day, while we were cleaning the boat, 2 new mysterious fur balls showed up. I thought the receipt from Petsmart indicated foul play, but Amy says they just sort of showed up.

May I enter pictures shown right as prosecutors evidence part 1. You will notice there are indeed two new fur balls.

As captain of team Dream Catcher, I immediately recognized said fur balls as stowaways and as such I fated them to walk the plank. Amy, acting as lawyer for the defendants, who are oddly enough named Milo and Mila, said that they were not stoways, but in fact they were political refugees seeking escape from Ferret Persecution.

I was skeptical and as such we turned the matter over to supreme ferret emperor Maggie for a ruling. As I have seen Maggie interact with other ferrets, I was confident that not only would she have said fur balls arrested, but she would summarily execute them herself and eat them for breakfast.

It was a dark day indeed when after two days of deliberation Judge Maggie returned a not guilty verdict and granted the fur balls legal resident status. Needless to say none of the ferrets, fur balls, or human females on board are currently allowed in my bed.

If the weather holds, we are heading offshore tomorrow night and we should arrive in Beaufort by dawn.

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