Happy 220th

So yesterday started the 220th birthday celebration of  Georgetown and we’re currently in the middle of a four day party to celebrate our “town-ness?”. Maybe that’s a word, but I’m not sure. Anyhow, happy birthday G’Town.

The weather here continues to be hot and generally windless. This morning it was 91 at 10 am inside Dream Catcher. Shitty death! The weasels are spending the vast majority of their time hiding out in “wicky-cool” enjoying the nice 60 degree conditions while us mere humans suffer and sweat.

The last four days I’ve spent in a similar manner, get up before dawn, make tea and coffee before it gets hot and then hide in front of a fan until the AmyUnit wakes up.  Once she wakes up, we make breakfast, which because of the heat tends to be something that doesn’t require the use of heat. After breakfast, I’ve been going out spear fishing for an hour or two to collect that nights dinner. I’ve been pretty successful so far and so we haven’t resorted to eating seaweed. For the record, tonight’s dinner will be Caribbean jerk school master snapper fillets done on the grill with potato wedges and a small side salad. Tipping is optional, but appreciated.

Last night we went in to Regatta Park to see the displays setup for the birthday celebration. They were interesting enough, but there were only four exhibits setup and so after twelve minutes, we had seen all there was to see. We opted to go up to the P&P instead and listen to the Rake and Scrape band instead.

The band was good and about fifty people showed up during the course of the evening. We left around 8:30 as a lightning infested, clouds of rage moved into the area. We got back to the mother ship just in time to batten down the hatches and then duck below to hide from the storm. It was pretty violent but only lasted thirty minutes and then it was gone.

The boat and the crew came through fine, but this morning I noticed one of my 16 hatch covers disappeared during the blow. Oh no, “Wilson !!!”

The lying goat rapers from NOAA say the wind should return tomorrow, but given their track record, we’ll probably set some sort of new high temperature record instead. Still, it is mid-October and the cooler temps can’t be far behind. Ok, that’s about it. More to follow, end of line …

Comments (4) -

"we had scene all there was to see".  Have you been drinking again?  maybe you meant "seen"?

Kerry Kilcrease 16.10.2013 05:03:59

WOW, harsh audience !

miloWeasel 16.10.2013 06:58:20

Oooops my bad. It has been corrected.


Are the  Rake and Scrape guys still as good as they were?

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