A Little Law and Order

Disaster nearly struck this morning!

We were anchored peacefully minding our own business when all of the sudden WHAMMO ! A ghetto boat on a piece of shit mooring drifted loose and hit us in the side. At least that's my version.

An alternate version could be we drug anchor and drifted into the ghetto boat in 30 knots of wind, but I like my version better.

Anyway, the boat caught our toe rail and didn't do any damage (at least to us), but I had to raise our anchor to get free of it. The forecast for today is gail conditions and for once it was accurate. We decided to take up residence at the city marina to wait out the blow.

Trying to land in 30 knots of wind was a treat, but with some help from the dock master we got it done.

In the afternoon Amy toured the art district while I played on my computer. We met up for a cocktail at Kathleen's and then returned to the boat to make potato skins as a snack and later garlic buttered shrimp for dinner.

The marina has cable tv, so for the first time in almost a year, we turned our television on and watched 4 back to back episodes of Law and Order.

Tomorrow we head for Charleston.

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